

This is certainly interesting. An early morning visit by an FBI “Evidence Response Team” (at least, that’s what their windbreakers say, as seen in photos published in the Times this morning) is not a great way to start your day. I feel sorry for the children of Trenton Mayor Tony Mack who must be frightened and scared this morning.

Of course such a visit, by itself, proves nothing. And it’s hard to tell, by itself, if such an early-morning raid indicates a Federal investigation in its early or late stages. Or even that an investigation may lead to any Federal charges against the Mayor. Even if charges were immediately forthcoming, as we see on a daily basis in our next door neighbor Hamilton, that might only mean the beginning of a new chapter of this long, sordid story we’ve been living in. Mayor Bencivengo was charged in April, just indicted this month, scheduled for trial in November, and still defiantly serving as Mayor. We can’t expect any process in Trenton that would be easier or shorter.

In the meantime, I would suggest that we may get lost in focusing on what might be illegal.  Years ago, when I worked at the Columbia Journalism School for Fred Friendly, he constantly reminded me that in public affairs, the scandal is not what’s found to be illegal. The scandal is everything that’s done that is perfectly legal, but wrong.

Let’s remember to continue to fight all that we know Tony Mack is doing that is WRONG, for our city, its residents and taxpayers.

What the criminal justice system will or won’t do with Tony Mack is largely out of our hands. What is in our hands and within our power – should we choose to wield that power – is Everything.  Let’s not lose sight of that.

14 comments to Well!

  • Ray Ingram

    Good and measured words. Thanks Kevin. ray

  • While this is another logical and well written piece, please let us all remember WE elected this man, and he was not the best candidate. We have a council that sits and yammers and whines, and does very little. Monday evening, I attended the East Ward CPAC meeting; it was very well attended. Those there were upset about the current conditions, but there was only one resident I have ever seen at a council meeting. Of course I’m sure tomorrow evening will be, “Standing Room Only.”

  • Bill

    Thanks for the excellent perspective. As you say, this could be a foray into an even worse period of time that Trenton can ill afford. Not matter what, well all have to clean up a bigger and more expensive mess.

  • Kevin

    Pat – Absolutely right. That’s why I cautioned that we have power, should we choose to use it. That’s not a choice enough of us use, often enough.

  • Woofie and Grunt

    I signed the petition. I watch what transpires in horror. I do not attend meetings for fear that I would start screaming at council, not be able to stop after my three minutes, be branded insane and drug off by police. That said I thank to rest of you for all you do.

    Onto the FBI raid. I read the articles and giggled. Then i felt deeply saddened for his children. Then the giggling burst forth again and I hoped that he finally gets locked up for a long time. He has betrayed Trenton and her people over and over. Would someone please just nail his ass to the wall already.

    It’s a good day. Regardless of thethe outcome I willthe enjoy thethe thought of Tony’s discomfort. He cannotwas have beento happy. I know thatand is small of methe but Ithe can livebe with it.

    If you see someone grinning today it might just be me.

  • Mike R.

    They probably just found those missing tents is all.

    PS – Has anyone read the official press release/statement from Tnoy yet?

    Here it is (and this is complete – I left nothing out.)


  • Before I hit MY blog, Trentonians, please do not expect any explanations from the Honorable Mayor. Any lawyer, even a bad one, would tell Tony to, “keep your frickin mouth shut!” While we Trentonians do not have any details, the FBI does not show up at 2AM to conduct a training exercise. Lastly, can no one in city hall write a simple, declarative sentence???

  • Marge Berkeyheiser

    We all feel a little satisfaction or vindication with what happened to tony. I feel sorry for his kids to have gone through this but the kids pay for the deeds of the father. We can’t let the cart go before the horse b/c we don’t know what the outcome will be. He seems to have 9 lives. Just the thought that he is being investigated gives us new hope in the system, thanks to you and Jim C.

  • Geoff

    Wow! Interesting news day in Trenton…what concerns me is that the Feds only removed two boxes of items from the Mayor’s home. As much as I dislike the Mayor and his cronies/relatives, I just don’t see him bringing damning evidence home with him. My burning question is why weren’t Harold Hall and Anthony Roberts raided as well?

    Also, what is the progress in the “ongoing investigation” into the money stolen in City Hall? Anyone have an idea of what is going on?

    A sad day for Trenton, but the flicker of light at the end of the tunnel for those that love and respect Trenton.


  • jon nelson

    If there is a strategy w/in the Mack administration it’s been “if you’re responding, you’re loosing”… be it phone calls, letters, citizens, civic associations, media, etc.,- it doesn’t matter who or what you are, all requests/questions have been ignored… It’ll be interesting to see how they handle this home visit…

    (p.s. what a nice surprise to stumble upon this blog – keep it up!!!)…

  • The bigger question is why didn’t the Federal investigation start with Douglas Palmer. Truthfully he’s the reason the city is screwed up. That’s who really screwed the city. So its obvious this blogger has had a hard on for the Mayor since his inception, but at some point the intellectual masturbation has to stop or you’ll go blind.

  • Kevin

    Ellis – I figured it wouldn’t take long for the Palmer defense to come out.

    Really, dude? That’s the best you have? You know, it’s only been 2 years since Doug was Mayor, certainly within the statute of limitations for any serious crimes to be investigated and prosecuted. If you have any information or evidence about anything, I’m sure the authorities would like to look at it. But if your implication is that since Palmer wasn’t investigated or raided, that somehow absolves Tony, sorry I can’t buy that. Yes, Trenton was in bad, bad shape prior to July 1, 2010. No argument there. But Tony F. Mack took the wheel of this City, pointed it toward the edge of the cliff and stepped on the gas.

    Have you seen this story this morning:

    It’s a timeline of many – not all – of significant events in Mack’s first two years of office. Man, Tony’s stepped into more shit of his own making in two years than Doug did in a period TEN TIMES as long!!

    Don’t tell me that the “bigger question” is why the Feds didn’t go after Palmer. For me, the “bigger question” is why it’s taken so damned long to go after Mack!

  • Kevin

    Jon – Thanks for the note, and thanks for stumbling in. Always nice to have another reader.

    Yes, I agree that it’s been a long-term strategy of the mayor and his Administration not to validate criticism by response or even acknowledgement. We see that this morning: after the “home visit” yesterday, the Mayor says of his children after the raid, “They are fine, not scared, nothing to be scared about.”

    Nothing to be scared about? Having several FBI agents barge into your house at 3 in the morning is “nothing to be scared about?” Man, I would have been petrified. That kind of denial, that kind of non-credible denial, is his trademark. What he intends as bravado just comes off as dim.