
“Watch What We Do, Not What We Say”

”Watch what we do, not what we say.’‘ That’s what newly-appointed US Attorney General John Mitchell announced at the beginning of the Richard Nixon Administration in 1969. We kinda know how that turned out for Mitchell and his boss.

“Individuals appointed to cabinet posts and boards/commissions will have their resume made available to members of the public via the City Clerk’s office and posted on the City website.” That’s what Candidate Tony Mack promised in April of 2010, in response to the candidate questionnaire prepared by the Beautiful Trenton group [Mack- Question 11]. (For another laugh, consider he also promised this, in the same answer:  “We will publish City documents, relevant to governing, on the website as opposed to forcing residents to file costly and time consuming OPRA requests.” That Tony Mack, what a kidder!)

“Trenton’s acting public works director, Ralph Burzachiello, could not be reached for comment and administration officials yesterday refused to answer questions about the nominees or how they were selected.” That’s what Trenton Times reporter Matt Fair wrote in an article published this morning about new mayoral nominees to the Municipal Court bench and to the Directorship of Public Works.

”Watch what we do, not what we say.’

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