
They Have Earned the Right

6 comments to They Have Earned the Right

  • Are you endorsing Jim, Kevin?

  • Tracey D. Syphax

    Great job in breaking down this endorsement Kev!

  • Kevin

    I won’t be making an endorsement, Joey. I don’t like the innuendo I get when I’ve been posting lately, suggesting that what I write or don’t is subtly shaded toward one candidate or another.

    I don’t want for the remainder of the campaign to keep hearing that. Especially since none of the criticism I get ever addresses any of the substantive points I try to make.

    I like to think that I am asking questions or presenting my opinions based on some firm information, either actual occurrences or facts, or statements or positions taken by the candidates.

    It’s distracting and counter-productive (as well as pretty damned lazy, in my opinion!) to write a piece based on what I think is, for instance, a fair but quick survey of the state of the casino industry in the Northeast as a way of questioning the feasibility of Walker Worthy’s platform, only to be met with, “So what? You’re just a secret Golden fan.”

    I mean, really? I guess it’s too much to expect a response like, “No, I think a Trenton casino will work, and here’s how and why.”

    It’s a lot easier to attack my motivation than it is to attack my positions. But that’s OK. I just choose not to validate those attacks by choosing to back a horse in this race.

    I won’t avoid those continued attacks, I know. As I said, it’s easier (and lazier) to go after perceived allegiances. That satisfies the more conspiratorial instincts of a lot of Trentonians. Plus, that kind of short-term motivations about individual candidates is easier to comprehend and act upon than a lot of the tough, tough issues that we have to face as a City if we want to get out of this 60-year race to Rock Bottom.

    But I’ll feel better about myself. And I think over the last four years I have a pretty good track record with being more right than wrong.

    And I have a good track record of writing and posting in the off-election years – before, during and after the recall effort. Short-term political considerations haven’t dictated my writing over the last four years, and it isn’t doing so now.

    So no, I am not endorsing Jim Golden, Joey, or anyone.

  • Where’s the “Like” button?! Well said.

  • Kevin

    Thanks, Chrissy!

  • James

    Good move, Kevin – and your insights are spot on. People are apt to go with their emotions and seek out “explanations” that back up their existing beliefs. So anything which surfaces to challenge that will be quickly dismissed with the first explanation that comes to mind – that you’re biased and your words shouldn’t be trusted.

    Keep the light on the candidates Kevin ~ all of them ~ the best candidates will use that input to reconsider where they were wrong and build on it to strengthen ideas that will really help this city. However, the majority of them will probably ignore it and carry on as usual…